
Tea Room

Not too bad looking for a place built in the 1920s. Last Thursday I went out on the bike for a run up towards Callander,and then headed to Aberfoyle via the Dukes Pass. On that route you pass through a place called Brig O Turk, which has an old Tea Room (Cafe). It had been closed for a while, but I had heard it had re opened earlier this year and was looking forward to see how the placed looked now. Well on the outside it still had its original look, wooden hut with a few windows and painted green. The inside had more or less kept its original look, but fresher looking (and smelling)with new tables etc. So I was glad to see it hadn't changed too much, well other than the food, its 100% better. I think I'll be stopping off a few more times before the years out. Stuck for somewhere to stop for a bite when out and about look here